15 Apr 2014

Arp188 Tadpole Galaxy with 14"

One of the few images for this Spring...

Another shot of this small galaxy. Seeing wasn't too good so I'm not quite happy with this one. Actually the Luminosity channel was better for my 8" SCT taken few years ago. But there was also 3 times more light than this one...

Total exposure was 7h 7,5min
                        RG    =  10*300" (bin2)
                        B       = 9*450" (bin2)
                        L       = 13*1200" (bin1)

Full size on Astrobin

1 Apr 2014


Finally after a long break (mainly because of awful weather...) I got some imaging done!

I continued with this nice barred irregular galaxy.

I had 1h 20min of Luminosity exposures for a year ago and took now 4hrs more, but here's still only 1h 20 of Luminance... Seeing has been so ridiculous that the FWHM was now 4-5.3. Older images has FWHM of 2.6-3 so there was no use for them.

RGB is about 30 min each so that's not enough either but no can do.

Total exposure is only 3 hrs:
                            L = 4*1200"
                            RGB = 5*300/6*300/6*450"

Full size on Astrobin