30 Jan 2010

IC 5146: Cocoon nebula re-processed

M51: Whirlpool galaxy re-processed

I had good time trying to re-process my old images when I sat in a hotel room in my business trip.

Here's M51 imaged with Atik314e.

25 Jan 2010

M38, NGC1907, IC417, NGC1931, Sh2-237 and parts of Sh2-230

There's a lot of stuff in this part of constellation Auriga. A lot of dim nebulosity of those Sharpless -objects and many open clusters.

I took the color data when I had problems with that camera driver, so RGB channels are not calibrated. Processing this object was really hard for my skills, because I wanted to maintain the colors of the stars. But I'm quite happy for the final result!

The image is Ha(HaR)GB with exposure of 6*20min (Ha) and 3*10min (RGB).

M45; The Pleiades

I've planned to image this nice object since I started few years ago, and now I finally aimed my telescope towards it.

Camera's new driver is working perfectly so imaging is now more than easy!! Just have to make a script in CCDCommander and let it do all the work. But there's still some final adjustments left to do with it...

Exposure: 6*10 minutes of luminance and 6*5 minutes of RGB (bin2*2)

14 Jan 2010

M81 and M82 with colors

Few days ago I tested and adjusted new software of the main camera. I got the binning modes running again so I also calibrated Focusmax and made some test drives of whole system. Everything run smoothly so I took more images of these galaxies.

Of course the clouds came in again and stopped my session to only 3 images of blue channel so it is weaker than the others. There's also a lot of noise left in L-channel.

 I'm not satisfied with this now but maybe I'll give this some more light later...

5*10 min of luminance, 6*5 min (bin 2*2) of red and green and 3*5 min (bin 2*2) of Blue.

10 Jan 2010

M81 and M82

There has been some cold related problems in my main camera's driver so I haven't been able to take proper pictures. And temperature has been less than -20C on every clear night for a last week.

Yesterday before the clouds came I took few images of M81 region with luminance filter.

There's only three 10 minutes exposures in the picture.