12 Apr 2012

Bubble area wide with color

I got few frames of OIII two days ago and hopefully some more but the weather forecast doesn't look too good for that. And there's only less than a week to go before the astronomical darkness ends at my latitude.

Here's 5*1200 sec of OIII (binned2*2) added to 4hr30min of Ha. Again a bicolor picture with synthetic green channel.

And here's 100% crop of the NGC7635 Bubble Nebula.

11 Apr 2012

SH2-140, SH2-145 and SH2-150

This was my previous project which was imaged on two nights about a week ago. I have done only one narrow band image earlier (M97) so the processing took a while. I took the images under almost a full moon with narrow band filters (Ha, OIII and SII). But the SII data (about 3hrs) was so week that I decided to forget that one and decided to make a Bicolor image with Ha and OIII with a synthethic green.

These three Sharpless objects are located also in the constellation Cepheus. The hydrogen alpha is showed as red and the OIII as blue. Green channel is combined with these two.

Exposures: Ha = 8*1800sec and OIII 6*1200sec (bin2*2). Total 6hrs.

9 Apr 2012

Bubble area project

My previous test exposures showed so interesting area that I decided to start a new project with it. This is propably going to be the last one for this season...

Last night I took 4h 30min of Ha exposures with 1800 sec subs. Here's what it looks like:

I also made a starless version of it. This may have better view of the nebula itself.

6 Apr 2012

Bubble area wide

Few days ago while waiting the "main" target to pass meridian I took few images of the famous Bubble nebula area (NGC7635). The image is only 30min of Hydrogen Alpha (6*300sec) and binned 2*2, but the main thing is that I took them unguided. So again points to MesuMount2!!

The picture has not so much of details because of binning but instead quite a nice wide view of the area. About the center is SH2-157, little bit down and left is Bubble Nebula and M52 beside it and the left large nebula is designated SH2-161. There's also SH2-158, SH2-159 and NGC7510 in the image.

3 Apr 2012

MesuMount's performance

The mount is stunning! Some more adjustment and FINALLY realized to put the "simple auto-dark" on of the MaximDL. Here's the result:

The scale of the error graph on the upper right corner is ±0.5 pixels. And as you can see the 3 minute RMS error is 0.029 and 0.059 pixels... Unbelievable! Ok, the focal length of the APM is only 500mm, but still.

1 Apr 2012

LBN550, LBN552, LBN555 and LDN1228

Again some rarely imaged parts of the sky. Northern part of constellation Cepheus has this pretty nice looking bright nebula, LBN 552.

I had less than 6 hrs of total exposure so I'm not quite satisfied with this yet but no can do! Moon is groving again and the dark time is decreasing rapidly. There's not even a month to go with this season...

Here's LLRGB image with 5h 45min of exposure (L= 17*900sec, RGB=3*600sec bin2*2).